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Team Coaching

"My team feels overwhelmed, is operating in individual silos and is under-performing”

We believe that team coaching is one of the most effective, yet under-used forms of coaching.

This program is designed to provide leaders and their teams with strategies for effective communication, influence, and habit/behavior changes.

Key business goals, challenges and roadblocks specific to the team will be addressed at a group level. Team coaching drives individual ownership and accountability within the group. The end goal is to shift the mindsets of the team to work more effectively..

Let's talk!

In the session, participants will:

  • Individually express what they feel but do not say through our Left Hand Column tool. This improves communication and establishes a level of trust within the team.
  • Explore how they think - both individually and as a team. How to move from fixed thinking to outcome creating.
  • Approach real business challenges in “real time”, with an agile, outcome-oriented mindset.
  • Learn how to move past working in silos or in opposition to one another.

Professional skills gained:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Management

Nurture and Nudge
Following this session, regular follow up meetings are scheduled to re-enforce the key takeaways and areas of focus for the group. Our “Nurture and Nudge” approach incorporates spaced learning, deliberate practice, and message discipline to effect lasting change for the group.

At the end of the engagement, the team will learn to work more efficiently by understanding their own assets and biases, as well as those of their colleagues. The team will be equipped with the tools to effectively navigate challenges and focus on accomplishing clearly defined and agreed upon goals.

Our Coaching Approach
Rapid Insight

360 interviews conducted with peers, directs and upper management. Feedback is organized into a Rapid Insight Synthesis that outlines key areas of strengths and opportunities.

Rapid Insight

Team coaching is done via live facilitation of a F2F working session. This can be done in a full day session or two half days.

Our Coaching Approach
High Touch
Moderate Touch
Light Touch
Most Appropriate For Executives
Preparing to deliver a high-stakes internal or external presentation to executives, key stakeholders or a larger audience
Who need to practice and demonstrate presentation skill growth within a variety of elevated business settings to medium sized audiences
Who need to practice and demonstrate presentation skill growth within a variety of elevated business settings to medium sized audiences
Engagement Examples
Board or Management Committee presentations, Investor Day, World Economic Forum, global payments conferences, media interview, etc.
Key partner meetings, customer presentations, product launches, smaller external conferences, community addresses, etc.
Key partner meetings, customer presentations, product launches, smaller external conferences, community addresses, etc.
1-2 months
1 month
1 month

meetingReview of Presenter Type Survey

4x 60min video coaching sessions plus T-Leaf

3x rounds of deck and message feedback

Final deck formatting and design

2 months of phone and email access

1x 45min phone wrap-up session

Action plan summary report
Chemistry meeting

Review of Presenter Type Survey

3x 60min video coaching sessions plus T-Leaf

2x rounds of deck and message feedback

1x month of phone and email access

1x 45min phone wrap-up session

Action plan summary report
Chemistry meeting

Review of Presenter Type Survey

3x 60min video coaching sessions plus T-Leaf

2x rounds of deck and message feedback

1x month of phone and email access

1x 45min phone wrap-up session

Action plan summary report
No items found.