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Christian Champ

Christian Champ

Executive Coach | Facilitator

"Always trying to figure it out"

Prior to joining the fassforward team, Christian spent 22 years as a credit investor in the Asset Management industry.

He started his career as an analyst for Stein Roe and Farnham as an industry generalist. He then worked at McDonnell Investment Management covering industrials and leading the firm’s distressed debt investments. He joined THL Credit after they purchased McDonnell, where he led the industrial, energy, and financial industry team, helping manage over $5B in AUM.

He joined First Eagle Asset Management when they purchased THL Credit. There he was the Head of Credit and a Portfolio Manager for $15B in AUM, leading a team of 16 analysts. Additionally, he helped lead fundraising for a newly launched publicly-traded vehicle to the retail market and helped with fundraising in the institutional channels.

Christian serves on company boards, helping with strategy, fundraising, and hiring management teams and board members.

Christian lives in Chicago with his wife and their two sons. He enjoys chasing Flow and biking around Chicago with his sons sitting on the back of the bike.

Client testimonials

Tyler Sifrit

"fassforward coaching was an excellent experience for me. Working with Christian was a very beneficial experience. Unlike many coaching programs this program allowed an avenue for real-time coaching. I like to say that this experience enabled me to get another tool which I refer to as a seatbelt. As I encountered issues I felt a seatbelt tugging me and allowing me to process the situation and respond in a better fashion and utilize the tools that I had learned from the program. Having a good sounding board and non-biased person to plan conversations and talk through real scenarios was truly beneficial. I would recommend this program to anyone as it really helped me set goals and get on the path to executing those goals."

Tami Erwin
Tyler Sifrit
Contracts Associate

Articles by

Christian Champ